Tuesday 27 January 2015

Gaining Reviews on Your Google Business Page

Did you know that customers can leave reviews on your Google business page? These reviews and star ratings will be visible to people visiting your business page or viewing your business' details in search results.

With this in mind, it’s important that you promote your business page to your customers and encourage them to leave you a review when they’ve had a positive experience.  There are a few different paths that customers can follow to leave a review.

In this blog we’ll show you two of the simplest ways to leave a review so that you can share the knowledge with your customers.

First, make sure you’re logged in to Google.  Now search for the business that you’d like to review on Google

If the business that you’re searching for has a Google My Business page then you should see their business information in search results. On the right you will see information about the business’ Google My Business page, this is called the knowledge card. You should be able to see a link asking you to leave a review on the knowledge card.  

Simply click the link to bring up the review window.  Then give the business a star rating out of five and add any comments that you wish about the service that you received before hitting the ‘publish’ button. Encourage your customers to talk about your products and services in their review.

From your Google My Business page 

Once you're on your business page click the pencil icon under the business logo to bring up the review window.

You could always email a direct link to your page to your customers to make the process as easy as possible for them.

Gaining positive customer reviews online is very important as they give your business more credibility.  Positive customer reviews could mean the difference between customers choosing you or your competitor, so don’t forget to ask customers to review your business online!

We’ll cover responding to reviews at a later date.

For more help and advice with your digital marketing please visit our website www.addpeople.co.uk.

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